Kim Kardashian…..Esq?
We keep updating you on the on-going interesting things in the Celebrity Deskhere at Rouges. This time we’re taking Kim Kardashian and her quest to become an actual lawyer.
Yes, you read that right, Kim Kardashian is following in her Father’s footsteps to become a lawyer. She’s taking a non-traditional path. California allows people who have completed at least 60 credits to intern with a law firm and by completing 18 hours a week and a series of tests, to sit for the bar in California. This morning she posted an instagram pic of her hard at work on tort law.
She announced this news in her first Vogue solo cover which appears this month. She also recently did a fascinating 73 questions with Vogue and showed off her monastic home.
Kim Kardashian’s father, Rob Kardashian, made himself quite a name for helping OJ avoid a murder charge back in the 1990s (for those who weren’t alive to remember that scandal). She’s interning with the same law firm owned by Van Jones, the popular CNN commentator. She’s commuting between LA and San Francisco and keeping up with her TV show, makeup line, children, and other obligations.
It’s a busy time in Kardashian world!