I Hate Johnny Harris and You Should Too

Cameron Lee Cowan
4 min readApr 12, 2023

Are you a white, mid 30s guy with a beard and a camera? Then Youtube might be the place for you! Seriously, it seems like every YouTube literally meets that requirement. And Johnny Harris is the worst of them, besides those idiots from Good Mystical Morning who seem to spend most of their time playing dumb games and eating food. GMM has 10 million subscribers and they most important thing they talk about is new fast food menu items or that time they both got vasectomies. Perhaps I will complain about them at length at another time. Let’s get back to Johnny Harris and his many sins.

Who is Johnny Harris?

For the uninitiated, Johnny Harris got his start in the Vox Media “Borders” project where he dashed around the world in his UNIQLO jacket and studied borders and their histories. Alright, that’s fine, but not exactly earth-shattering journalism. Vox decided to (wisely) dispense with his services and end the project and release him into the open wild. The rest of is have been suffering ever since from his YouTube “journalism.”

Johnny Harris is an ex-mormon who likes to hike, explore, and study things. In one video, we actually used a telescope to photograph the night sky. He even did a video about his infamous orange UNIQLO jacket. He still does a great deal of content with maps and other stuff similar to the…



Cameron Lee Cowan

Creative Director of The Cameron Journal. Culture, political commentary, and much more!